Topics of Discussion included:
- The New SSTF Website
- Litter Bug Battle Logistics and Planning
- Marketing/ New Member Initiatives
- EcoTalk
- Upcoming Events
SSTF Website
- Ci has been working to modernize the website.
- We have access to the following domains:
- With this, there is a possibility of making one of the websites the calendar for the Sustainability Cooperative Clubs at Rensselaer.
Litter Bug Battle Logistics and Planning
- Motion to delay the battle to the first Saturday in November at 2-4pm to give time for logistics and planning was unanimously passed.
- In addition to the trophy prize, a cash incentive of $25-50 was decided on. This is to be funded by a sister project of the LBB, the Halloween Bake Sale.
- The Halloween Bake sale is to be held in the Union lobby on October 27th from 12-2pm (Ci & for more details)
- There was discussion of an entry fee for teams, but it was decided this was a disincentive and thus the bake sale will fund the prize. Profits from the sale will proceed to SSTF budget surplus.
- The teams must collect trash from within a walking distance (they cannot use a car to transport themselves or trash)
- The Collaboration with APO was discussed, but not further addressed. The current outlook is for SSTF to do this alone.
- To encourage members to join SSTF, we might (have a sign up at bake sale and the LBB??)
- make flyers
- Get into the Morning Mail (Contact SARP & Julia about this)
- Polytechnic Article Series (Ecotalk)
- Discussion of possible Dissidents in RPI administration against Sustainable Development
LBB part 2
- Questions arose:
- How many people in SSTF does it take to run this on the day of
- Send a discord message asking for volunteers?
- A Google Form to get interest/group registration?
- Halloween Bake Sale Sign Ups: Ahlyia, Sophia, Conner
Next Meeting
October 23rd at 6-7pm in Shellnut Gallery.